COUGAR herní klávesnice 700K EVO RGB (Red Cherry MX mechanical switch), aluminium brushed structure, NRKO
COMPUCASE Enterprise Co., Ltd.
No. 225, Lane 54, An-Ho Rd., Sec.2, Tainan, Taiwan R.O.C.
Základní parametry | |
Určení: | Herní |
Připojení: | Drátové |
Herní: | ANO |
Barva: | Černá |
Klávesy | |
Layout: | US International |
Typ kláves: | Klasické (Vysokoprofilové) |
Spínače: | mechanické |
Typ spínačů: | Red |
Podsvícení: | ANO |
Zařazení produktu
Související dokumenty
YT video - Cougar 700K Evo Keyboard UIX Software Install And Walkthrough: | 1FxpYDdXqnQ?si=mUKNpadFxTeR2dEs |
EDM PDF: | 700K EVO_edm.pdf |
User manual PDF: | 700K_EVO_usermanual.pdf |
YT video: | Ng114_LGFp0?si=6zNncNyYH1P2tFOo |
YT video - THIS Keyboard Offers MORE Than You NEED!: | RIQP_LqWpP8?si=0gBydXMu7BLymwYv |
YT video - 700K EVO: | KLNt0Cr2Jwc?si=yijZuZuz67_a-aa_ |
YT video - Cougar UIX: | GTF_ViKT-R4?si=c0enmM6UJibtSHqP |
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Podrobnosti o produktu
Popis produktu:
700K EVO
Cherry MX RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
COUGAR 700K is an iF design award mechanical keyboard. We’ve taken its components to another level, which is the upgrade 700K EVO. It keeps the superb quality Cherry MX mechanical keys with extra G-key. The exposed brushed aluminum frame shows dazzling RGB lighting effects. Moreover, 700K EVO provides you more convenient and speedier on-the-fly macro recording and mode switch without getting out of the game. This keyboard is designed to meet all MOBA and MMO gamers’ needs.
The Flagship Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
COUGAR 700K EVO is a premium mechanical gaming keyboard aimed at serious and professional gamers. Unleash superior performance with CHERRY MX mechanical switches mounted on an exposed and bent aluminum frame with premium brushed surface treatments. This structure provides the user with more efficient typing, not to mention a sturdy and strong structural foundation. The ends are then wrapped in a plastic frame to create a protected feel. Intuitive key and button groupings are neatly integrated into the plastic frame. Thereby drawing and driving attention towards key areas and allowing the gamers to concentrate and focus on their competitive matches.
The First and Best Mechanical Switches
Aluminium Frame Structure
Both for achieving a better aesthetic design and for improving the product’s durability, the mechanical key modules are mounted over an exposed bent aluminium structure. Apart from being part of an award-winning design (COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014, iF product design award 2014), this structure makes the keyboard sturdy and durable and gives you what every keyboard should give you: the true feeling of being in command.
RGB Backlight Meets Aluminum: A Glorious RGB Performance
With powerful preset lighting effects, you will enjoy 700K EVO’s spectacular backlights right upon plugging it in. Control easily and switch easily the backlight effects on the fly with this keyboard’s convenient shortcut keys.
In case this wasn’t enough, you can create your own backlight effects through the COUGAR UIX System to create your own, unique, gaming atmosphere. Unleash your creativity!
700K EVO’s aluminum front plate combines elegance and durability to create an impressive face for this powerful gaming weapon. It doesn’t stop there: the RGB backlight reflects on the aluminum to create a glorious visual effect that will transform your gaming experience!
Ergonomic Wrist Rest for Extended Gaming Comfort
700K EVO’s ergonomic wrist rest is made of plush leatherette, which offers an outstanding design for long-lasting comfort during gaming sessions.
Five G-Keys
5 Programmable G keys allow for quick access to a variety of functions. Fully configurable, all of them make your life easier by enabling you to access the functions you want without interfering with the standard keys of the keyboard. Five keys on the left side of the keyboard, near the WASD keys for quick access without moving your hand.
On-the-fly Mode Switch
Three dedicated keys allow you to switch configuration Profiles instantly with a single movement, without getting out of the game. Thanks to 700K’s on-board memory and three internally stored configuration Profiles, you will be able to bring a massive amount of functions with you anywhere you go.
Repeat Rate 1X/2X/4X/8X Adjustment
The COUGAR 700K allows for quick adjustment of the repeat rate of the keyboard,which is especially useful for games which require repeatedly pressing a specific key.
Set the functionality of all the keys, store macros and create your own backlight effects, all with a very convenient and intuitive interface. The 700K EVO´s internal memory will then allow you to bring up to three full configuration profiles anywhere you go.
Stránky o produktu: